Admit it, you've been waiting years to see a toothless gypsy slobbering lime-colored saliva all over a nubile young loan officer, haven't you?
If that's a yes, then Drag Me to Hell is the flick that'll satisfy that craving. If it's a no, then stay far, far, far, far away from this Sam Raimi flick, because there's no shortage of saliva, mucus, embalming fluid and probably a host of other nameless body fluids waiting for you here.
I'll confess, I went to this one out of some sense of morbid curiosity because the reviews were stellar. Many praised the movie as a successful amplification of Raimi's Evil Dead series, this time with a big enough budget to spruce up some - but not all - of the schlock special effects.
The plot was interesting (just say no to buttons), there's laughs woven in seamlessly amid the fright (here, kitty) and there's a handful of jump-out-of-your-seat moments (though mostly predicated on the building crescendos of deafening background music) so overall, yeah, it was a fun take.
But damn, I just can't get past that saliva!