Sunday, May 20, 2012

The E Streeters Go Commando!

This weekend saw the return of warm weather as well as the E Streeters BBQ, complete with Baggo matches for the ages, commando ninja stalkers, and great food - all of the keys to a rollicking great time!

Here, Scott imparts some of his Baggo wisdom on young, pliable minds.  But really, they aren't even listening to him.
 Count on Andrew snagging a place at the Norman Rockwell table
As previously seen on Facebook (for those who have it, and let's face it - who doesn't these days?), the brains behind the E Streeters
 And if they're the brains, this must be the brawn (note the ball in Finn's hands.  It'll be back later.)
I don't blame Shea for striking this pose after seeing that line-up!

Heather and Courtney still know how to channel their inner playground
Andrew and Mary play house
The Killer Griller
Give him a hammock, and Andrew is in his glory
Shea, a kindred spirit, takes time out to read a couple of comic books during the outing
And finally, the night would not have been complete with a visit from Commando Finn, who set traps throughout the Westlawns neighborhood, silently stalking and then ensnaring his prey.  Here, he lies in hiding, ball in arms, waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting Andrew.
Thanks to our hosts, the Kennys, for the first of many of our summer BBQ outings.  For those who couldn't make this round, we'll see you at the next go-round! Bring your own Baggo!

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