Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Celebrate the Runners

Okay, I've held off on writing this type of post for more than a week out of deference and respect for the people whose lives were irrevocably changed by the events at the Boston Marathon finish line.  Time needed to pass to allow for healing, and to allow for law enforcement to do their jobs and capture the men responsible for the unimaginable attack, but I needed to write this blog post to celebrate the work of friends and family members who spent months training for the grandest race of them all, and did us proud on so many fronts - not just for their finishes, but for how they comported themselves in the face of chaos.

Some of my other blog posts have been dedicated to the events of that day that dominated the news, but indulge me in this post as I celebrate the achievements of my friends and family in the Boston Marathon.  By no means can we forget the experiences and losses of that day.  Indeed, they should stay with us always.

You've seen/read a lot of the reports that implore us to remember the victims, not the perpetrators.  I ask also that you congratulate my fellow E Streeter runners, who will forever be part of the tapestry and lore of the 117th Boston Marathon.

The signs were there early.
Captain America and Iron Man, Avengers Assemble!
If he had more time to get ready, Ryan would have joined everyone at the start in Hopkinton.  Maybe next year.
At the start, Tommy needed all the support he could get.
Who knew the Pesky Pole could run the marathon?
Andrew makes a point of thanking his Pace Car for 13 miles, Sean
At the halfway point, Andrew is joined by Nicole, one of the screaming millions of Wellsley College.
Where you ALWAYS stop to kiss the girls
Time for some father-son bonding
Mile 16 means time for a quick kiss from mom, knuckles from Heather, a hand-off to Scott and Carlos for the back 10, and a quick change of tops.  Time to Bleed Purple!
Suddenly E Streeters were everywhere as the Scanlon brothers came to the rendezvous point, not a drop of sweat to be found between the two of them.
And close on their heels, Lowell Police Officer Nick Laganas, thumbs up for the final 10!
Barry is either screaming in pain, or he's ready for Heartbreak Hill
Barry, emerging from Kenmore Square, hunkering down for his final mile
And finally, Andrew, crossing the finish line, completing his first-ever Boston Marathon!
Again, kudos all around to my son and fellow E Streeters, including Joe Patuto, who managed to avoid being captured on camera by me, otherwise he'd be featured prominently in this blog entry as well.
Take a moment to congratulate these warriors.  Never let it be forgotten that on a day that changed our city, our race, our nation forever, these guys still managed to log a 26.2 jaunt, one that will never be forgotten.
Boston Strong, E Streeter Strong!

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