Sunday, May 22, 2016

Conquer Cancer, One Step at a Time

The annual Lowell General Hospital Team Walk for Cancer Care - I'm proud to say we've been logging the miles at this incredibly inspirational fund-raiser for more than a dozen years.
This year, perhaps more than ever, we needed to be there to help kick cancer's ass.
The extended E Streeters family has lost some loved ones to the insidious disease since last year's May outing, and we're damn tired of it taking its toll on our loved ones.
While our garb for the day features the annual march of Annie's Army in tribute to Jackie's sister Annie, who's currently on the mend at Spaulding Rehab in Cambridge, this year, Barry's sister Susan Bradley, and our friend Martin Brewer were at the forefront of our minds as we saw the thousands of other walkers also out there wearing shirts to honor their loved ones.
As always, the E Streeters took to the 6.2 mile course for a warm-up run.
But before we took our first step, after years of arduous searching, we finally found the sponsors that E Streeter Nation has been looking for! Turns out the E Streeters Run on Dunkin' Donuts!
Who knew?!?!
Author's note: this is probably the closest Carlos has ever come to a donut in his life.
And with that endorsement under our belts, we're off!
Coming across the Rourke Bridge, the rain started to fall, but thankfully, didn't last too long
It was as we were running past the historic Pawtucket Falls that the run went sideways.  Since what happens on E Streeter runs stays on E Streeter runs, I'm not at liberty to go into great detail.  Let's just say the conversation involved, among other topics of debate, the 1986 Boston Celtics, Ray Allen and Jennifer Aniston, none of whom are overrated. 
(note the growing distance between Carlos and Andrew here)
After the 10K was done, we continued out onto the 5K course and connected with the woman who, with her sister, Annie, got everyone started on these walks in the first place way back in the beginning, me lovely wife, Jackie.
The rose among the thorns, I'm not sure she could have put up with our inappropriate humor and innuendos for many more miles than she did.  There's only so many references to best scenes from the 40-Year-Old Virgin that one can take.
Annie's Army on their forced march
Finally, after miles of introspective contemplation, Andrew decided it was time to bury the hatchet with Carlos.  Perhaps he saw the light.
Either way, Andrew felt it was time to move on.  Although judging by his face, this dispute may not be in the rear view mirror after all!
Jack with her two bodyguards
Proper hydration is always important
At the end, I wish we could say we could actually FINISH cancer once and for all, but I know there's still a long, long road ahead.  In the meantime, it's incumbent on all of us to continue to support causes like Lowell General Hospital who are looking to defeat this miserable affliction. 
Afterwards, I reconnected with one of my best friends.  Decaf, of course, preferably with mocha. 
And yes, for all of you who've continued reading to this point and are understandably concerned as to Andrew's well-being, he did manage to regain some nourishment when all was said and done.
In the meantime, if anyone wants to make a donation to support Lowell General's battle on behalf of all of us, you can visit their giving page here:
Please give and never forget those we've lost and those who continue to fight on!

This one's for you, Annie!  Keep on making forward progress!

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