Sunday, March 11, 2012


Another weekend, another long training run for this year's Boston Marathon. It was time for an 18-mile workout, so for this weekend, we made the trek down to the vaunted Marathon course itself. Here's this year's legends, posing alongside the statue of Boston Marathon great Johnny Kelly himself at the foot of Heartbreak Hill.To get ready for such a daunting leg of mileage, the Scanlon men show why it's always advised to prep your body with some nutrient-replenishing Gu, used by runners worldwide as a means to give your body the extra boost it needs to get through the long runs.That is, if you can keep it down without throwing it up all over yourselfSure, ANYONE can run up Heartbreak Hill, but how about running down it? Barry and Tommy make it look easy. The truth is, it was too damn much effort to try to take pictures while running up the hill, and a lot easier to take the camera out on the downside.The course was bustling with literally hundreds of people doing training runs for Boston, including a local legend we usually meet out at Westford's East Boston Camps, Scott Graham. Here, we ran down the hills with Scott for about a mile in search of the Greater Lowell Road Runners water station. Apparently Scott was running too fast, because he ran right past it.On the other side of Heartbreak Hill awaits Boston College. Tommy and I took a moment to pause and take in the sights, because when we get there at mile 21 on April 16, we'll be too bleary-eyed to really focus on anything except the solid yellow line going down the middle of the street.A great day on the course, made even better by great weather, great company, and great Gu! For most of us, that is.

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