Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cycle Chickens

It was a picture perfect, simply glorious day for a pair of bike rides to help benefit the Middlesex Community College Foundation today, with more than a dozen E Streeters pedaling their wares in 40 and 10 mile rides throughout Bedford, Carlisle, and Concord today!
Under a cloudless sky and temperatures that creeped up on 80 degrees, the day was custom made for a quiet bike ride along the suburban roadways.  And the great thing about the bike ride, unlike so many of the maniacal runs that we do, is that the bike ride is truly a family event, with second generation E Streeters joining the mix, some for the first time - I'm looking at you Kayla!
Take a peek through some of the pics.  If they're clear and good, they're by Alyce O'Connell, she of If they're fuzzy, I took them with my phone.
Scott and Carlos were the brave ones.  They did the 40.  Pretty amazing for one of the two, who hadn't ridden more than 10 miles in God knows how long.
Two more 40 mile diehards, Tom and Donna Corbin!  Donna was one of the architects behind the entire ride, pulling together the routes and signage and countless other details!
Can anyone tell us what Sue and Jackie are doing behind Barry?  Anyone?
Seriously, could somebody please help Tommy with his helmet???
Heading out for the 10-mile run, the girls are looking great!
He was the poster boy for last year's ride, can Tommy do it again?
Barry manages to keep the sex behind him in the college sign as he leaves campus
Not sure, but I think Andrew might be yawning here.  10:30 IS an early start for the lad

Not everyone looks right on a bike.  Or in a helmet.

The Borges Girls are looking Gorgeous and ready to hit the streets!
Moe, Larry, and Curly, who apparently isn't yawning, but is just roaring a Braveheart cheer throughout the ride

At one of the water stops, dad and daughter took time to drink some water and get out of those crushing helmets
Heather agrees.  There's no way this thing can fit on my head.
The Sweep Team!
Kayla takes full advantage of the water stop.
 Two peas in a pod - Heather and Courtney!

The outing also saw a pair of Heathers pedaling side by side for most of the course, that is, when the elder Heather wasn't having f-bombs hurled at her by crotchedy old dog walkers.
I think the giant finger in the picture is trying to tell everyone which way to go to head back to campus
Finishing up, Donna and Marc Burke look like they could go out and ride the 40 all over again, no problem!  For Marc, today was the start of his warm-up for the Pan-Mass Challenge this August!  Amazing achievement!
Coming in, Ann Marie and Kayla got a security escort courtesy of dad Carlos!
The Crockett Rockets, Ruth and Jonathan, rode the whole 40 together.  Happily, unlike last year, Jonathan was still able to walk a straight line after this year's outing


No, Heather and Steve did NOT do the whole ride holding hands.  It just looked cuter to finish up that way.
See: here's proof!
Once again, the brains behind the Cook and Spence teams
 Team Cook is positively glowing in the radiant brilliance of this June Sunday
Team Spence works the colors quite nicely
Team Heathers
Finally, another MCC bike ride in the books.  Take a bow or a jump for joy, MCC team.  See you all next June!

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