Saturday, January 4, 2014

Bogs Dogs

The last "long" run of the Disney Marathon training cycle means a quick-and-easy 10 miler, meandering the snow-coverered (and slippery) streets of Carlisle.

Overnight, the temps fell to as low as -14 below in our neck of the woods, specifically in Bedford, so for once, we played it smart, and delayed the start of the run to at least buy us a few degrees north of zero.  At run's start, it was 7 degrees, with a wind chill still below zero.  Which is why we dressed like we were ready to knock over a bank.  This look might also explain the curious glances we got from the dozens of cross-country skiiers we passed as they roamed the trails of Great Brook Forest.
For those of you familiar with the area, you know what a gem the Cranberry Bogs of Carlisle and Chelmsford are.  While they may be off the table as far as winter trail running, they still provide a spectacular landscape to run past. 
Snow-covered, and in places, icy streets made for a hell of a workout for the quads.  Somehow, I don't think these are the conditions we'll be encountering in Florida for the marathon. 
Legolas doesn't even leave footprints in the snow 
Jacob Marley joined us for today's run, too.  Complete with moaning. 
We just follow the jetstreams
I know what at least ONE of the E Streeters was planning to do after the run
Finally, back at the cars, even the normally-green T-Rex was changing colors in the cold. 
Reports are that temps will be crawling back up to the 50s on Monday.  Long-range forecasts put the Disney Marathon temps somewhere in the 70s to 80s.   Yep, sounds like today's Arctic 10 was a perfect warm-up for the big warm-up.

1 comment:

Tom B said...

The fact that you will have 10 pounds less of clothing on for the marathon should shave some significant minutes off of your time.